Author Presentations and Style Guidelines for UPMicro 2019

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All rights reserved.

Thank you for your interest and willingness to take part in Ultrapure Micro. The following are some tips to help you to develop and organize your presentation.
– UPM Team

New Timeline Guide: This year, we are implementing a strict timeline to give authors a better understanding of the decision-making process and to better ensure the delivery of quality content. Please view the timeline guide below. If you do not submit your abstract or draft presentation by the submission deadlines given below then we will not allow you to present at the UPMicro 2019 event.

February 22: deadline for abstract submission
• March 8 – 15: You will receive an acceptance or decline on your abstract submission between these dates
April 15: Preliminary presentation draft must be submitted by this date
• Between April 15 and May 1, the UPM team will review your presentation and then provide feedback on how it may be improved or reject it for commercial or otherwise unacceptable content.
May 15: Final presentation must be submitted by this date
• Week of May 13: we will send out the finalized agenda
• May 29: we will send you a reminder on your speaking engagement along with logistical information for the day of your session
June 5-7: The Ultrapure Micro 2019 Conference dates

What Should You Aim For?

We have invited you to give a technical presentation. It should be technical, educational and free of commercial material. Your presentation should discuss your subject in an organized fashion that adequately reports on your topic. We find that the best presentations do the following:

• State a problem and a unique or novel solution
• Have a presentation outline
• Address the topic with sufficient data to support their opening statement
• Offer practical conclusions or takeaways
• Avoid flashiness and are easily understood by the audience

Relevant and Progress Material: A key to an effective conference presentation is to provide worthwhile technical information that your audience finds is educational and applicable to their work. Additionally, it is vital that technical presentations explore new work, rather than simply rehash earlier work.

Data: Data needs to be the foundation for your presentation. This can be through graphs, tables, and figures. If part of your presentation relies on earlier research or patents, provide those references to substantiate your present work. This section addresses some specific ways that data may be given.

Tables: Use tables for comparative data or information. Please have a short title for the table and column headings. If the source of the information is not you, your company, or an associate, provide a citation.
Some tables can be difficult to read on a screen. In such instances, consider reducing rows and/ or columns. If desired, you may include harderto-read tables in “addendum” slides in the Digital Proceedings.

Figures and charts: Please include X-Y axis graphs, bar graphs, pie charts, etc. Be sure to identify the data points with a font size the audience can read.

Drawings/schematics and photographs: These can be excellent tools to illustrate the mechanics of what you are discussing or to show evidence for your data. Drawings and schematics should be labeled clearly and kept simple. Photographs can also work well. We discourage the use of stock photography. The best photos come from actual applications.

Video Clips: Some speakers like to include a short video clip to illustrate a point. These may be an animation to show how a piece of equipment works, or a video taken at a site. These are welcome, but please embed videos into your presentations, alert us of your embedded videos, and check with event staff that they work.

Presentation Tips: When preparing your slide deck, here are some recommendations to improve the quality of your presentation.
– Slides with bullet points: These should be kept to a minimum and is not equivalent to data.
– Takeaways and Conclusions: One key element is to close your presentation with practical applications.

Slide Appearance Suggestions: The following comments are aimed at helping you develop your presentation slides. At the end of this guide are some examples of well-prepared slides from recent conferences.
– Template: we will provide a powerpoint template for your presentation. The logo or company name for your presentation, will be allowed in a designated area of the template.
– Font sizes and type: Use font sizes that are easily seen by the audience.
We suggest: Titles, 30 points or larger. Body text, 20 to 24 point. Citation, 14 to 16 point.

Please see below examples of presentations prepared according to the guidelines from UPM 2018.

Water Management

Ultrapure Water

High Purity Chemicals

Other Matters

Computer: We will provide and operate the session computer. We plan to have all presentations uploaded in advance of the event to minimize delays.

Addendum section: Some authors may have additional slides they would like included with their presentation in the Digital Proceedings. The “addendum slides” are not part of the formal presentation and may show additional data or full versions of complicated tables that have been simplified for the presentation.

Proceedings: As a part of the conference, we plan to include the different presentations in our Digital Proceedings in PDF format. Please notify us 2 weeks prior to the conference should you wish to have an alternate version, or to have the presentation excluded from the proceedings. Should we not hear from you, we must assume we have permission to include the presentation as a PDF file.

Alternate speaker/company permission: In the event that you are unable to attend, please arrange for another speaker to present your paper.

Technical paper: We highly encourage you to develop a publication based around your presentation. You may contact Zac Roesch at for more information.

A Final Thought
We appreciate your hard work in preparing your presentation and future paper. We are available should questions arise. We hope you enjoy this experience as much as we do.

Contact Information
For any questions contact Haley Green at or +1 (512) 795 4198