Author Presentation Deadlines and Style Guidelines for UPMicro 2021

This year, the Ultrapure Micro Annual Conference will be held on 3-5 November 2021 as a virtual event. The Ultrapure Micro 2020 online conference was a great success, despite not being able to meet in-person, and so we would like to build upon this experience and our delegate feedback in order to create a superior networking event at which the UPM community can meet, discuss innovative ideas and technologies, and collaborate on the future of the industry. We will keep our community updated with details on the event format and technical requirements as we move forward.

Submissions Timeline: We are opening our abstract submissions early to ensure the UPM community has time to gather research, data and permissions for their presentations. When filling in the abstract submission form, please include as much information as possible so that the co-moderating team can make the best judgement as to where your presentation would best fit the agenda.

As always, we will enforce a strict timeline. For your abstract to be considered for the agenda, please make sure you adhere to the deadlines below. The integrity and quality of the agenda is our priority, and so we will only be able to include presentations which adhere to our schedule and guidelines.

  • June 18th: Deadline for abstract submission.
  • July 16th: We will inform you about the decision of the review process by this date. Please note GWI still reserves the right to remove your presentation from the final agenda if it fails to provide data / is purely commercial.
  • August 27th: Preliminary presentation draft must be submitted by this date. The UPM team will provide feedback on how your presentation may be improved, keeping in mind the UPM guidelines as set out below.
  • October 1st: Final presentation must be submitted by this date.
  • November 3rd-5th: The Ultrapure Micro 2021 Conference dates.

What Should You Aim For?
We have invited you to give a technical presentation. It should provide educational/informative content and not contain commercial material. Your presentation should:

  • State a problem and a unique or novel solution;
  • Have a presentation outline, noting the relevance and criticality of your work to the industry;
  • Address the topic with sufficient data;
  • Offer practical conclusions or takeaways, particularly for semiconductor manufacturers and users of semiconductor technology, where applicable;
  • Be easily understood by the audience.

UPM is attended by many end-users, so please include a slide that summarizes key takeaways for fab engineers towards the end of your presentation.

Data needs to be the foundation for your presentation. This can be through graphs, tables, figures, etc. Please ensure that your data:

  • Has short and relevant titles and headings,
  • Includes all citations where necessary,
  • Is clear – i.e. easy font, sufficient size. You may include harder to-read tables in “addendum” slides, which will be released in full after the event.

Photographs and drawings are welcome additions to presentations to illustrate your point, but we discourage the use of stock photography. Please include labels for any images.

Videos are also welcome additions, but please make sure these are embedded in presentations and alert us of your videos so we can check that they will work on the day.

When thinking about the slide formatting please note that we will provide a PowerPoint template for your presentation. Your company logo or company name will be allowed on the first and last slides.

Fonts must be clear and of sufficient size. We suggest:

  • Titles: 30 points or larger
  • Body text: 20 to 24 points
  • Citations: 14 to 16 points

Other Matters

Proceedings: As a part of the conference, presentations slides will be shared with conference attendees and Ultrapure Micro Members in PDF format. Any recordings of presentations and discussion sessions will also be shared where applicable. Please notify us 2 weeks prior to the conference should you wish to share an alternate version of your presentation slides, or would like to have the presentation excluded from the proceedings. Should we not hear from you, we must assume we have permission to share your presentation as outlined above.

Addendum section: Some authors may have additional slides they would like included with their presentation to be released to the audience after the event. The “addendum slides” are not part of the formal presentation and may show additional data or full versions of complicated tables that have been simplified for the presentation.

Alternate speaker/company permission: In the event that you are unable to attend the virtual event, please arrange for another speaker to represent you and your research. You must notify us as soon as possible in the event you will not be available.

Technical paper: We highly encourage you to develop a publication based around your presentation. Please message for more information, or visit to read more about article submission guidelines.

We appreciate your hard work in preparing your abstract and presentation. Please send any queries to