Charlie (Qun) He, a vice president and chief technologist with Carollo, has more than 19 years of experience in water and wastewater treatment, analysis of water quality data, computer modeling, advanced analytical work, environmental chemistry, water resources, water distribution, and wastewater collection. Mr. He is experienced in membrane and brine management technologies, including brackish water Reverse Osmosis (RO), seawater RO, membrane concentrate management, and membrane bioreactor (MBR) filtration studies, testing, and design. He is Carollo’s membrane desalination and concentrate management expert for the southwest region. He is leading the chair of AWWA Manual of Practice 69 – Inland Desalination and Concentrate Management and the vice chair of the AWWA Joint Research Committee.
Mr. He has extensive experience in water and wastewater treatment. He has completed more than a dozen pilot studies, demonstration studies, water quality sampling and testing studies and third party validation testing. He is instrumental in developing and optimizing treatment strategies for complex industrial wastewater treatment. Mr. He is the R&D Innovation Lead for the Carollo’s Research Group. Mr. He has extensive experience in mathematical modeling and is skilled in BioWin, Biotran, GPS-X, EPA WTP Model, MINEQL+, RTW, and ExtendSim. He has developed many advanced Excel Visual Basic tools and models. Mr. He leads the company’s integrated decision support system team and is leading the research and development of Blue Plan-it® Decision Support System, an advanced water and wastewater system simulation and optimization tool.