Boungsu Kwon

Principal UPW Scientist, K-Water


Curriculum vitae


A Master’s degree, Water Resources, Sungkyunkwan University, 2018

A Bachelor’s degree, Chemical engineering, Inha University, 2004


Professional Experience

Manager, LG Display (2004.03 – 2011.06)

Senior researcher, K-water Institute (2011.07 – present)


Research Area

Optimization of UPW processes (reverse osmosis, ion exchange, etc.)

Operation & Design of UPW processes


International/Domestic publications

1. Boung-Su Kwon, “Prediction Methods of Water Quality Considering the Design Characteristics of Individual Processes on UPW System”, UPM Conference 2019

2. Boung-Su Kwon, Sangho Lee, Seoktae Kang, Jaelim Lim*, “Current Research Trends and the Need for Localization in Ultrapure Water Production facilitise in Semiconductor Industries”, Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers(KSEE) 42(10), (2020) 493~512

3. Boung-Su Kwon, Kyung-Hyuk Lee*, Am Jang*, “The Estimation of Total Cost Through the Financial Assessment of Customized High Purity Industrial Water”, Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers(KSEE) 40(11), (2018) 428~437

4. KyungHyuk Lee, BoungSu Kwon, Am Jang*, “Study on Prediction of Water Quality of Produced Water Considering”, Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers(KSEE) 40(7), (2018) 282~289

5. Kyung Hyuk Lee*, Dong Gyu Kim, Boung Su Kwon, Kwan Sue Jung,” A Study of the Optimization Process Combination on the Ultrapure Water Treatment System”, Journal of Korean Society of Environmental Engineers(KSEE) 38(7), 2016.7, 364-370

6. Se-Chool Park*, Boung-Su Kwon, Kyung-Hyuk Lee, kwan-sue Jung, “The Design Parameter Evaluation of Ion Exchange Process For Ultra Pure Water Production”, Journal of the Korean Society of Water and Wastewater(JKSWW) 29(1), (2015) 65~75